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Thursday, March 20, 2008

About Catalunya (a big hug for all the foreign visitors)


To all the visitors who don't know about Catalunya.
I belong to a little country in Europe which is currently not an independent state.
Our country is called Catalunya and our language is Catalan.
We have about six million people.
Now... You can hear Pau Casals, a great musician, talking about Catalunya at the ONU in 1971.



M: said...

Ola ! Bon Dia.

Moltes Gracies Jeremias,
amb ti per un mon millor
y una vida lliure !!!


Anonymous said...

Soy chileno, pero mi abuelo era Catalán (de Vilanova I La Geltrú).
Llegó a Chile en un barco llamado Winnipeg, en 1939. Él nos inculcó cariño e interés por la cultura Catalana y su gente. Algún día pretendo conocer vuestra tierra.

Bon Dia!

Saludos desde Chile.

M. Gimeno

gypsy said...

Visca la terra i aquells que la defensen allà on van!


Matthew said...

That was excellent. Thanks for sharing (and for your comment on my blog!). An old French language teacher of mine in the United States was Catalán and she, too, was very proud of that fact. I loved hearing stories of her old home. Peace.