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Showing posts with label Posts in English. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

For the visitors thirsting for sex. (Als visitants assedegats de sexe) (Post bilingüe)


For the visitors thirsting for sex
I writte this words to you, catalan, Spanish, American, German, Russian man ... You've come to this site from google, in search of sex, of images that you can get to excite, that can lead to the release of some instincts that throughout your daily life you cant satisfy ... I know you exist, because in my blog I have a feed that show me the words which honorable guests use to come into my corner. I would say you're looking for the tip of an iceberg, and you're ignoring most beautiful part of iceberg ( and largest) The part that is below the cold sea, which glitters with shades and indescribable represents most of the glass too lina. Do you want to know what happens? You grew up in a society that represses the vision of the naked body, and at the same time, your gender has been for hundreds of thousands of years to evolve in a natural setting, and nudity, up there (for now) to the specie Homo sapiens to which you belong. Your environment, the environment we now inhabit, is a very far removed from the environment in which your kind has been done and has been evolved. Unconsciously, you feel you haven't this environment; and you lack something without knowing very well what thing you lack. You need nudity, because anybody has stolen it to you, anybody has hidden a part of your own specie, anybody has loaded your mind with the gunpowder of fetishism and erotism. And the sexual instinct is the strongest instinct, because the future of the specie depens on it. The sexual instinct comes out, like a bonsai when you try to grow. The bonsai has linked branches, and then grow dwarfed and deformed. Some trees will be relaxed. Others will feel constrained without knowing why. The solution, however, is not searching the satisfaction of instincts, ignoring the submerged part of iceberg. Nor is the crackdown. Many people live more or less quiet with the repression, they resigned to give up a part of the nature of their own species. But it is not an stable solution, often this “solution” crashes against traditional values such as loyalty. Almost always this “solution” gets in trouble with happiness and quiet confidence. The true solution, as a first step, is to know and to understand the words that I am saying to you. You must understand what is happening with you. Later, however, you must think of the submerged part of the iceberg. Every person for whom you are only looking for the body, has a personality, a heart, an identity. Every human being that your libido want to devour is a son or a daughter infinitely loved, a person with an infinite dignity, anybody with some impressive natural qualities. Someone who could be your son or daughter, brother or sister, father or mother. Someone with whom you could talk for hours, counting stars wandering, watching the moon, warm up on the edge of the fire, accompanied in pain or in joy. If your live obsessed by bodies, if you live obsessed by the non submerged part of iceberg, then you will never be able to dive up to discover the essence of the great white mountain. You will fear the coldness of the unknown. You'll treat people as beasts of coarse. You'll be a bad husband, a bad father, a poor friend, at least an strange friend. Yoy'll feel empty. As much as you drink, you'll be more thirsty. The sea is salty. You will not be happy. You'll say that life and world are shits. You will not know that all this will be happening because your repressed instincts treat you like a puppet. Dont repress the vision of nudity, but dont obsessively hunt it. Be free. Find what lies beyond the body. The image is just an icon. A person is infinitely adorable and he, or she, deserves you treat him, or her, as a person. Rate the wonderful view of nudity, because this rate will remember you that there is something behind reality, even more beautiful; capable of communication, of empathy and tenderness. Tenderness is the maximum fullness of humanity. Health, brother.

A tu, català, espanyol, nordamericà, alemany, rus... que has arribat a aquest web a través del google, a la recerca de sexe, d'imatges que et puguin arribar a excitar, que et puguin conduir fins a l'alliberament d'uns instints que al llarg de la teva vida quotidiana no sadolles prou... Sé que existeixes, perquè tinc un feed que m'informa sobre quins mots buscaven els honorables visitants que venen a parar al meu racó.
M'agradaria dir-te que estàs buscant la punta d'un iceberg, i que estàs ignorant la part de l'iceberg més bonica i més gran, la part que és sota de la mar gèlida, que brilla amb unes tonalitats indescriptibles i que representa la major part de la massa cristal·lina.
Vols saber què et passa? Has crescut en una societat que reprimeix la visió del cos despullat; i al mateix temps, el teu gènere ha estat centenars de milers d'anys evolucionant en un entorn natural, i en nuesa, fins arribar (de moment) a l'espècie Homo sapiens a la qual pertanys. El teu entorn, l'entorn que ara habites, és un entorn molt allunyat de l'entorn en el qual la teva espècie s'ha fet i ha evolucionat. En veure't privat d'aquest entorn, et manca alguna cosa sense saber ben bé que et manca. Necessites nuesa, perquè te l'han robada, te l'han amagada, i l'han carregada amb la pòlvora del fetitxisme i de l'erotització. I l'instint sexual és el més fort de tots, perquè d'ell en depèn el futur de l'espècie. L'instint sexual s'obre pas, com un bonsai quan intenta de créixer. I si el bonsai té les branques lligades, creixerà esquifit i deformat. Alguns bonsais estaran tranquils. D'altres se sentiran constrets sense saber per què.
La solució, però, no és llançar-se a la recerca de la satisfacció d'aquests instints, ignorant la part submergida de l'iceberg. Tampoc no és la repressió. Molta gent viu més o menys tranquil·la amb la repressió, resignant-se a renunciar a una part de la natura de la seva pròpia espècie. Però no és una solució estable; sovint entra en conflicte amb valors tradicionals com la fidelitat. Gairebé sempre entra en conflicte amb la felicitat i amb la tranquil·litat.
La solució, primer, és conèixer i comprendre això que t'estic dient. Comprendre per què et passa això.
Després, però, cal pensar en la part submergida de l'iceberg.
Cada persona de la qual només busques el cos, té una personalitat, un cor, una identitat. Cada ésser que vols devorar amb la teva líbido és un fill o una filla infinitament estimats, amb una dignitat infinita, amb unes qualitats naturals impressionants. Algú que podria ser fill o filla teva, germà o germana, pare o mare. Algú amb qui podries xerrar durant hores, comptar estels errants, mirar la lluna, escalfar-te a la vora del foc, acompanyar en el dolor o en la joia.
Si t'obessiones per la part no submergida de l'iceberg, seràs incapaç de capbussar-te per conèixer l'essència de la gran muntanya blanca. Et farà por la fredor del desconegut. I acabaràs tractant les persones com bèsties de bast. I seràs un mal marit, un mal pare, un mal amic, si més no un amic estrany. I et sentiràs buit. I cada vegada tindràs més set. Més beuràs i més set tindràs. El mar és salat. I no seràs feliç. I diràs que la vida i el món és una merda. I no sabràs mai que tot això et passa perquè els teus instints reprimits t'han vençut. Perquè no has arribat a comprendre't ni a actuar com un ésser humà.
No reprimeixis la visió de la nuesa; però no la busquis obsessivament. Sigues lliure. Cerca allò que hi ha més enllà del cos. La imatge és només una icona. La persona és infinitament més adorable i mereix que tu la tractis com a persona. Valora la visió meravellosa de la nuesa, perquè et recordarà que darrere hi ha alguna realitat encara més bella; capaç de la comunicació, de la empatia i de la tendresa. La tendresa és la màxima plenitud de l'ésser humà.
Salut, germà.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes you can. Obama, you can.


We don't still know if you have reached your victory. We will know in the next hours.

But this blog wish you can change the world: for a new way of progress, for a new way of making rules.

From this little side of Europe, bloggers of "Nuesa Literària" wish your victory!

Encara no sabem si has aconseguit la victòria, ho sabrem a les properes hores.

Però aquest blog desitja que puguis canviar el món: per una nova manera de progressar, per una nova manera d'establir les normes del joc.

Des d'aquest petit cantó d'Europa, els administradors d'aquest blog "Nuesa Literària" desitgem la teva victòria.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cala d'Oques


Un bunker damunt d'unes dunes, prop dels pins que arriben fins a l'aigua de la mar. Un espai de llibertat on habitualment ningú no et dirà com t'has de banyar, ans podràs fer-ho com et vingui de gust.
El silenci abillat del brum de les onades.
La sorra amb les ones del vent dibuixades al llom.
El sol.
El vent.
La Mediterrània.
Això és, si fa no fa, la Cala d'Oques.

A bunker on dunes, near of the pines and the sea's water.
A freedom's space where everybody can swim naked or dressed, as everybody wants. Silence dressed in wave's roar.
Sand with wave's wind drawn.
Mediterranian sea.
This is Cala d'Oques.

Camping Cala d'Oques


Friday, April 11, 2008

Esperança (Hope)


Amb cada embat del teu poder m’omples de goig...
car em fas saber que quan tot sembli perdut...
sortiràs en defensa de la Terra,
i expulsaràs la plaga destructora i consumista
que gosa posar-hi un preu...

Amb cada bram del teu pit, mar, em fas feliç...
Sé que hi ets i que enfrontar-se a tu
és com colpejar un Déu adormit...

You heap hapiness on me,
with every atack of your power
because you let me know
that you will save the Earth
when all seem failed.
And you will expel the destroyer and consumist glut
which dare to appraise life.

With every clamour of your breast, sea...
you make me happy.
I know you're there...
Fighting against you is so useless
like fighting against an slept God.

Monday, April 7, 2008

El Dolmen de Vallgorguina (The Vallgorguina's Dolmen)


.Diumenge, 6 d'abril, ens vam acostar a Vallgorguina, a la vall que es troba entre les serres del Montnegre i el Corredor. D'allà vam agafar el camí que s'endinsa en el bosc i arriba fins al Dolmen. Una construcció funerària construida sis mil anys enrere pels pobles prehistòrics que habitaven el Montnegre. Impressiona posar les mans sobre la pedra superior del Dolmen i imaginar el poble que en una Catalunya diferent, natural, verge, sobrevivia enmig de les inclemències del temps, amb els mateixos amors i dolors que les persones d'avui. Fet i fet, sis mil anys, a l'evolució humana no són res.

El Dolmen, a l'edat mitjana, va servir de punt de reunió a les bruixes que s'alliberaven de la repressió de la religió imperant i deslligaven els seus balls, els seus rituals i la seva màgia.

Els voltants del Dolmen semblen dissenyats específicament per una divinitat misteriosa que crida des de la muntanya. La força del lloc es percep a cada instant.

Sunday, 6 of April, we went to Vallgorguina, a little village between Mountain range of Montnegre and Corredor. We went along the path which started in the village, and we arrived to the prehistoric Dolmen in the middle of the wood. The Dolmen is a prehistoric funeral building, It was built six thousand years ago by the people who lived in this mountains. I put my hands over the top stone, and I imagined people who lived in the prehistoric Catalunya, a country very different to the present Catalunya. I imagined the prehistoric people, surviving under the inclemency of the weather, with the same love and the same moral afflictions than people of nowadays. Six thousand years are not a great time's interval in the long way of the human evolution.

The Dolmen, in the middle age, was a witches meeting point. These women liberated themselves from the religion's repressed, and they developed their dances, their rituals, and their magic.

Dolmen's outskirts seem gardens designed by a mysterious god who call humans from the mountain. We felt place's power every moment of Sunday.

Saturday, April 5, 2008




Drops of blue brightness,
sprinkling from sky's cloudless sphere.
Figleaves and burning bunches,
drawing hanging grapes over red and hot land.
Buzzing of bees in the sticky sultriness, and the silence of august.
Flowers stem with wrinkled beards.
And me, when I was a child,
searching birds eggs in nests.
The sea, near...
as the palm of one's hand receiving me
I deliver myself wholly to this blue and wide hand,
because I want, because I feel I must do it.
A clay's jug overflowing...
water with a land flavour...
freshness of old and white house.

Helènic Glauc

Monday, March 31, 2008

Naturist nudism (When nudeness doesn't mean sex)


Sometimes in life, the time becomes present: deep present, just present. When It happens, we feel the whole universe; alive and burning univers inside the present time. When It happens, language can't describe this fenomen: there aren't enough words. When It happens, human consciousness feels plenitude.
There are a lot of ways to reach plenitude. Putting our naked body in touch with natural elements is one of those ways. Human specie has been nude for many years (200.000 years) in touch with air, water, and sun. Nowadays, some people think that naked human body means scandal, sin, indecency, ugliness, poverty, misery, dirtiness... But there is no manufactured dress more beatiful than a rose or a lily. In spite we used all the gold in the world to make that dress, we wouldn't achieve the beauty of those flowers.

If we prevent any person from seeing a rose during his whole life, when this person see accidentally a rose, he (or she) will watch the rose with fear, he will examine its thorns, he will not touch its petals for avoiding an urticaria. At the end, he will declare that the rose is an strange flower, dark, abrupt, too wild to be exhibited.

Nowadays, there are a lot of people that is troubled by their own being. Many people consider that their own body, and bodies of everybody, are enemies. They think that naked bodies are danger and ugly realities. Many people go to the forest and they tear off thorny plants, they pick up all the sharp stones, they destroy all the poisonous mushrooms... and, at the end... these people think that this way of action is a right behavior. They think, wrongly, taht this action contribute to achieve a more beautiful world.

Our body is a natural book, the book of the nature. If we sentence this book to darkness, we will lose the poem that existence sings through this book. Our body is only one reality, an oneness. And when our body is naked, all the senses form just one sense. The only sense (formed by all the senses) perceives the harmony of nature. When It happens, we feel plenitude.

If we recover serenity of nakedness, we will also recover the innocence that we lost when we started to wish money, power, prestige, pride... Children lose their innocence when they start to worry about their possessions. They lose their innocence when they start to worry about what they have, instead of worrying about what they are. When they start to worry about what they show, instead of worrying about what they are. Being nude in nature means recovering the beloved childhood. Nakedness is like a sunlight which awake us from a nightmare; the nightmare of consumption's civilization; the nightmare of utilitarianism. Nakedness is a peaceful and liberating revolution against the chains of some people that consider their body as a dirty reality; a peaceful and liberating revolution against the imposition of fear's morality... against the unhealthy conception of the own being.

Being obliged to hide body is like a finger; a finger that point out a hidden reality; a finger that clamors for a contradiction: the hidden reality is scandalous and seductive, ugly and desirable, sinful and honourable... These contradictions go into subconscious as bad seeds, and bodies are converted into erotic objects.

The key to achieve dominion over instincts is not the concealment of human body, but its knowledge. When people hide body obsessively, then people increases their body's morbidness. When people learn to discover human body, when they realise that human body is a good and nice fruit of the nature, when they discover that human body is not necessarily an erotic object, then people have self-control and interior freedom. We must know truth and watch reality face to face, without fears, complexs or uncontrolled excitements... Then we will be free from body's fetishism

Sin is only in the eyes of some people that watch naked human bodies and they just see external reality through the lenses of their own interior fears and guilt complexes. They have suffered (unconsciously) a lot of years full of guilt complexes and repression: the mistake of condemning natural realities, of condemning a part of themselves; the mistake of not assuming a part of their reality.

There are some countries and cultures where the hands of the women, or the eyes of the women, have become reason for sexual excitement. The more we hide human body, the more It becomes perturbing reality. Human spirituality needs to recover the lost ground of the body's beauty. Human spirituality must defeat the economic empire of pornography. Human spirituality must eliminate morbidness from human body, and It must contemplate body as a natural reality.

Human body's beauty is a metaphor of the invisible reality that accompanies body. It is an ikon that point towards a more beautifull conscience. If we love the rose that we have left in a star, then all roses will recall us our beloved rose. Every human body will recall us human dignity if we achieve to recognize ( in everybody we see) a person that deserves to be loved.

Naturist nudism can be a vaccine against the use of human body as a consumption's product. Nudism can also be the breaking-off with the enforced aesthetic of the mass media... a breaking-off with the enforced aesthetic of tradition... a breaking-off with the enforced aesthetic of the dark past centuries. Naturist nudism allows us to recover natural aesthetic that has evolved in Earth since the beginning of time. When human body is naked and free in the nature, beside the sea and the yellow sand, It shines as the most beautifull image in the whole universe, the most serene, the most elegant; at least in the mind of people who lives in harmony with nature. Naturist nudism allows us to enjoy natural elements with all our senses, with all our skin. It allows that we to fill us of wind, of sea, of sun, fully. It allows that we to feel free and beautifull. It allows that we humbly to accept the dress that univers has sewed for us. It allows that we to discover our companions, free of fears. It allows us be accepted by companions as we really are. It allows us to be conscious of present time, and that we to live present time without longing for any future. It allows that we to educate our daughters and sons with the idea of freedom, free of fears, free of fetishism, free of disproportionate valuations of body's parts.

People who reject naturist nudism shouldn't condemn this reality without previous knowledge. Different people undress due to different reasons. Most of these reasons are healthy reasons. Perhaps some people who undress are victims of a lot of repressed years (people who search sexual excitement). But most of nude people, are honest persons, families, couples, friends... They search freedom, peace, nature, beauty, sun, sea, light... They want feel as a part of landscape. As Whalt Whitman said, when we are naked in nature, we are not visitors, we are part of landscape.

Jeremias Soler 

Terrassa (Barcelona)


Thursday, March 27, 2008



I hope you like my poem:


Let's find again paths which smell of coals
the sounds of the songs of always
the sweat of game
the light of place
the smile.
Let's find again the sublime step of freedom
We must expel fears
darkness and revenge.
Let's enjoy oblivion
as the man who is born now.

Let's rip off clothes and dress in mud and grass. Let's admire rambling ivy which endows the ruinous old house's front and let's play hide-and-seek in its garden. Let's search for fleeing kisses hidden between shadows. Let's sleep in a soft and gigantic bed without thoughts.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Road Blues



I wrote this story two years ago. This story is also edited in a book "10x10 Microrelats". This book was edited by "La Quàdriga" and it contains stories hung in
(a web which contains stories in catalan language. Catalan is the language of Catalunya. If you want to know anything about cataluya: What Catalunya is?.)
And now my story. I hope, grateful, your corrections and opinions.


Jerry has never picked up a hitch-hiker so young.
-Where do you go?
-Towards California.
A swarm of freckles surround her nose. Her hair is red; her eyes are blue; her face, pale.
-What's your name?
They stop in a petrol station.
An old man approaches them.
-Do you go to the west?
-To Sacramento.
-The motor coach has gone away without me, and I haven't enough money for the motel.

The Chevrolet runs along the desert road. Wind makes spin crowded branches, as if they were strange rolling balls. By nightfall, landscape becomes phosphorescent.
-What's your job, Jerry? –Eileen asks.
-I'm a manager.
-I'm an actress -she says.
Suddenly, the vault of sky gets in red-hot. The Wind stops. The Flatness is dyed in orange light.
-My God! –Eileen exclaims, gazing at horizon.
-Indescribable. -the old man adds.
They leave the car and walk into the desert. They sit on the ground. The old man takes out a mouth organ and plays a Willy Nelson's melody.
-I must confess one thing –Jerry says, scratching his head -. I've been untruthful. I've really lost my job. My wife has left me, and I don't know where I am going.
-I haven't told the truth either -Eileen says -. I've run away from home.
-Well... in my case, my daughter has deserted me in the petrol station -the old man explains. His eyes are open as dishes.
Some instants go by. The situation is full of uncertainty. Then, suddenly, they start to laugh like sillies.
-And now...? –asks Jerry.
-Let's play another song... –says the old man.
Red light of sky is toning down. A deep nostalgia covers wilderness.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

About Catalunya (a big hug for all the foreign visitors)


To all the visitors who don't know about Catalunya.
I belong to a little country in Europe which is currently not an independent state.
Our country is called Catalunya and our language is Catalan.
We have about six million people.
Now... You can hear Pau Casals, a great musician, talking about Catalunya at the ONU in 1971.
